Tuesday, June 29, 2010


i have to share this video for a couple reasons...first, this video is just awesome. who doesn't like a lightning show? second, remember a few posts ago when i thanked my late crew? well, this is why...

Lightning strikes three of the tallest buildings in Chicago at the same time! from Craig Shimala on Vimeo.

our guys deal with a lot of crazy situations...the weather is no exception. also, i really like the way the city looks in this vid...ha! on another note...things are changing at work and not sure how much longer i'll be talking to these cats but, for now, im gonna enjoy these last couple of weeks. i am sort of happy i wont have to be babysitting anymore...sometimes it sure felt/feels that way...ha! seriously, its just dispatching but i will miss messing around with these cats...peace.

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