Friday, June 25, 2010

start planning...

some news from atlanta for those planning on making the trip...

first, there are no alcohol sales in the state of georgia on sundays. i had completely forgot about it...when i used to live in savannah we would make the drive into south carolina to fix this problem...ha! bars still sell but you can't buy a six'r to enjoy at the park. that being said...the race will be taking place at a park so plan ahead. stock up on saturday...not that there wont be plenty of beer provided by the organizers but you might want to have your own?

second, if you're planning on is the time to buy tickets. the longer you wait the more expensive atlanta gets. if you're driving...this won't be a problem...this is my plan.

third, if you are flying and you find that boxing your bike is cheaper than putting it on a flight with you...the cats over at "no brakes" will be glad to accept your bike and hold it down for you. make sure you contact them to work out the details.

fourth, this is mainly for the messengers who deal with flatlands like chicago...

It's far hillier in GA than in Chicago, so if you're rocking the singlespeed you might want to consider gearing down, but if you find yourself in a bind once you show up we'll be able to take care of that for you!

there you have it folks...start registering for the race as soon as possible. don't be afraid to contact the organizers with any questions at big ups to the cats at "no brakes" for any and all help. that weekend they plan on helping out as much as possible...

The shop will be having a sale throughout the entire weekend on everything in stock. We've got a big huge backyard with plenty of places to lock your bike or chill. We'll likely be grilling, should have plenty of beers around maybe we'll pull out all the stops and make yall some sweet tea etc. nice little restaurant/coffee place next door.

keep an eye on the naccc's page for more info...if i understand correctly they'll be updating with more info soon...peace.

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