Wednesday, November 28, 2007

old post from different blog...

i've been sick for the past couple of days but the good thing about working at this company is that i get to take time off without any worries...we have to bike dispatchers, which at first may seem ridiculous but ends up working out. anyway, i figure i would just post an old post from a different blog just because i have nothing to report and maybe some haven't read about my old crew...

yesterday -627- shows up to work with a big plastic bag. he opens the bag and just says the word "mango"...he reaches in and hands me one...its one of the juiciest and delicious mango's i've had in a while. its not the first time some of my guys have brought me things...i've gotten 40's, tequila straight from mexico, mugs, shot glasses, shirts, and so on. not sure if they do it cause they think im gonna hook them up or if they do it just cause...either way, it always feels good when they show me some sort of love cause most of the time we are all just cussin' each other out...

today started off just fine...everyone was showing up. i was joking with was flowing. then, the work got to be to much...not because of the amount but because most of my guys right now are rookies that dont know their way around town, dont know how to use the phone system, and are just out right slow. -791- takes 30 minutes to pick up a package and 30 minutes to deliver...this means i cant count on him for shit. i gotta keep him on standards all matter how many orders he does in a day the money just isn't gonna add up which sucks cause he's a good kid but just not quick enough for the job. i should add that he also doesn't know north from south and east from west and so on...its a freaking headache. i also have guys like -792- who just doesn't care about anything...which in some cases can be a good assest. he either does the job or doesnt...he either does it right or doesn't...he just does not care. no matter how many times we explain to him that communication is very important he just doesn't answer his phone...he's running a very thin line.

late in the day our system went paiges going through and the messengers couldn't place their p.o.d.'s...this means i have to check on all my riders one by one to see whats going on. not that thats a big deal cause i 've done it before but this time im dealing with "rookies"...i send a paige to -707- but he never gets it. i don't realize it till its starts redlining...i call him and he's just chilling at t.c.(not his fault but very fucking annoying). i gotta get someone else on it...i call up another rider(which happens to be a rookie) and all i can do is hope for the best. now the client starts calling which means i got my boss breathing down my neck...i keep calling the rider to see where he's at but get no response...finally, he answers and says he's there but little does he realize that my boss is on the phone with the client and there is no sign of him. this really pisses off my boss which causes more heat on fucked, the rider is fucked, the client is fucked and everyone is in a state of piss'd-off. this incident finally blows over but i know tomorrow i'll hear something about it...

i finally take care of all my duties late and i just sit there and try to relax myself before having to ride home knowing that tomorrow is another day of rookies...peace.

...i do miss the old days but the new crew is growing on me.

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