Wednesday, December 23, 2009

messengers = soldiers...

from time to time i talk about our crew and chicago's finest as soldiers. it's a metaphorical war out there...ha! all silliness aside...i always wondered if the military would ever consider using bicycles. sure...most of you already knew this but i didn't...apparently bicycles have been part of the military for quite some time...

The first known use of the bicycle in combat occurred during the Jameson Raid, in which cyclists carried messages. In the Second Boer War, military cyclists were used primarily as scouts and messengers.

i wonder how much a solo in war times would cost? anyway...check out the wiki page, bicycle infantry, for more info. thank you to matthew for putting me up on this. like i said, this was news to me so i had to share. does anyone know if bicycles are still used? im sure some form of messenger(s) is still used...peace.

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