Sunday, June 22, 2008

public serive anouncement...

i don't know what happened to them/it but bikeliker had some great vids...they were also somewhat responsible for putting on...

thats me on the right almost beating perkins...damn you perkins!! not sure where the pic came from but i know that bikeliker had it up and so i stole it...ha!

great times and more great times to come...btw, this is a message to all messengers or , as my sister calls me, all "once upon a time" messengers...the naccc's are coming so register asap...peace.


Simon said...

Oh, the memories... That was a great night, not least because I beat BenVC. Hahaha! said...

that was a great nite...until my race and then i felt like crap the rest of the night...ugh!

Unknown said...

I remember buying everyone I faced a beer afterward. It went to the cause, it helped me meet people and it got me really drunk and sick. I had a great fucking time and am pretty proud of that night.

I'm guessing you had a great time that night too. I should probably 'fess up. I actually switched the wires right before our bout so it would look like I got you when, in fact, you were the one carrying my bike onward to victory. Thanks buddy...