Wednesday, May 14, 2008

funny story v.2...

i should state that the story im about to tell happened to a messenger...just not a bike messenger. i don't know the messenger's number but since he's a driver for us we'll just refer to him as, well, "driver".

well...the driver was making a delivery to the same location that the r.kelly trial is proceeding. no big deal but security is on high alert. everyone is looked over two maybe three times. they have metal detectors and the x-ray machines. also, they are stacked with security guards...why? well...because...

...the messenger is stopped by security and is going to be frisked. they make him put his hands behind his head and spread his legs as they begin to frisk him. no big deal...right? turns out the driver is very ticklish. as the guard begins to pat the driver on the side of his ribs he jumps up a bit. the guard immediately goes on the defensive...

guard...why are you moving? hiding anything? it's just im tick...

guard...get down on your knees.

driver...what? why? not going to ask you again. get down on your knees.

...the guard then kicks the drivers legs in and he falls straight down on his knees. thats gotta hurt. i can only imagine that pain. anyway, he's cleared to finally get through and make his delivery. he gets to base and tells the story...sure it's not so funny but the way he told it was amazing. he even had a sense of humor about it. it should have never went down the way it did but it's still funny in my mind as well as his. the good thing is that even though he was going through that madness he managed to keep his cool. if not, he might be locked up right guards have a complex about not being real cops...(just jazzin')ha!

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