Thursday, August 7, 2008

3 weeks and counting...

straight from the naccc's web page...

HEY 'YALL. Just to get it out there and clear up any confusion, everyone is welcome to participate in the race. Non-Messengers are encouraged to compete, and will be placed in their own category for ranking and prizes. Also, just to warn you, bring a helmet and plan to wear it. You should already know this, but just in case...

hope everyone and their mama comes out to this event. should be a great time. alot has gone into making this happen. make sure to visit the site for a schedule of events and register here...if you need a spot to sleep contact

i've already registered...

Dear Julio Saravia,
This email confirms that you have paid NACCC 0809 Chicago

...and the cats setting the whole event up were even kind enough to drop me a line...

do you have a preferred rider number? i'll put it down for you if it's not
already taken. augie.

fuck yeah i do...not really but if 753 or 912 are around i'll take
those...thanks for asking. hope all is well...peace.

...why 753? cause it was my very first number. why 912? cause it was the number given to me when i made a return which, by pure coincidence, was the area code of savannah, ga. where i lived while away from the industry. can't wait...see you cats there...peace.


goldscott said...

Good luck dude!

-Goldscott said...

thanks...not like im in it to win it but thanks...peace.