Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i don't want to scare you but...

chicago is sending a heavy hitter to velocity. al urbanski of the chicago cuttin'crew has become the mayor of our fair city...

Urbanski became one of the first Category-3 riders in recent memory to capture the prestigious Mayor’s Cup at the 30th annual running of the 75-lap points race Tuesday at the Velodrome. The 24-year old was one of three competitors to post two laps on the field of 27 riders and finished with 29 points.

check out the article from the kenosha news but don't skip on the report given by fellow cuttin'crew member jeff

Some officials made a quick assumption that Al was off the back on one of his laps. The man who woke up that day a Cat 3, surely, was not. Results went over the mic after a good few minutes of deliberation. Hartley got 4th. Kaz Milas got 3rd with not as many points but 2 laps on the field. Rob Springer got 2nd with 2 laps up and more points. Process of elimination led all of us to pretty much flip out. Mr. Urbanski of your Chicago Cuttin’ Crew took top honors and all the hardware. The race was completed in about 28 minutes. That would total out the “2-lap crew” average speed at a little over 32 mph. The field would have completed 73 laps and averaged the better half of 31 mph.

congratulations al...Lord knows you put in your time and good things happen. al is a hard working messenger and it's good to see him do so well. i would say good luck in all your races from here on out but it doesn't seem like you need it...peace.

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